Thoughts From My Vipassana Meditation


Happy Friday!  Back from the Vipassana retreat in Kathmandu, Nepal, and seriously feeling better than ever!

I.TELL.YOU, 10 days in silence with 10+ hours of meditating per day beginning at 4:30 am, observing nothing but your breath and mind will make you come out seeing your world in a whole new way.

The biggest thing the retreat reinforced is that life is in a constant flux.

We know this is true, but still we find ourselves reacting to the bad times and craving for the good times.

No matter what, things will come and go.  No matter what, some days we’ll feel better than others.

Despite this constant flux in our lives, it’s how we react to which will determine the happiness of our lives.

Happiness is not a final destination, nor is it just a series of stops we make.  It is a way of living, a way of traveling.

With that, and the end of the year approaching how will you start this new year?  How will you choose to create happiness in each day no matter where you are in the flux?



p.s. If anyone is interested in learning more about Vipassana, visit their website or contact me.  They offer 3-day and 10-day retreats all around the world.  It was seriously the most incredible experience I’ve had on this trip.  I never would have imagined, but through the retreat I was able to answer many of the questions I had been bouncing around in my mind.  And surprise, surprise - I’m happy and excited to announce after Hong Kong I’ll be returning back to San Francisco 😀

5 thoughts on “Thoughts From My Vipassana Meditation

  • December 27, 2021 at 7:13 pm

    I LOVE THIS. True words. I’d love to hear more about your VIpassana experience (and Nepal, of course!)
    I’m so excited you’ll be back in the city! I’ll be in SF as well and I can’t wait to hear about your travels…
    Enjoy every moment until then and keep on writing and inspiring.

    • December 29, 2021 at 4:53 am

      Thanks Anne!! Yes, that would be great to catch up when I get back. Maybe we can grab a bite, I’m already starting to drool thinking of all the places in SF I want to eat at :)

  • January 5, 2022 at 12:31 am

    Oleg has been the one person who has taught me about controlling how I react to things (he’s seriously my Yoda) and it’s right on the money with what you’re talking about here. I focus too much on the flux instead of how I can stay happy and unchanged by it. Such an amazing thing you came away with. Wow.
    I can’t wait to see you!!

  • January 6, 2022 at 3:59 am

    It’s so amazing that with age, I feel more and more that I consciously choose how to react to things. It’s a powerful thing, really. Can’t wait to reunite with you when you’re back in the states mah dude <3


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