YWCA Young Women and Money Conference

This past December I had the honor to speak at YWCA’s Young Women and Money Conference in Oakland, California.  If there’s one thing I love talking more about than women and motivation, it’s money, so you can guess this event was like opening Christmas gifts early!


Confidence in your financial situation is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself.  In this workshop I lead about 50 participants in helping them become clearer on their goals, and then going over my personal money system to save for those goals.







For all of you who weren’t able to be there, here are two resources I sent to all the ladies following the event that all of you may enjoy!

The first is a Goal Setting Sheet.  Use this to get clear on what your want 2015 to look like:


click to access

The second is a Money Planning Sheet.  Use this to get clear on where you’re money is going and find out your “play money” amount:


click to access

A huge thank you to the Berkeley / Oakland YWCA for inviting me to speak.  I had such a great time working with all the women and hope to be able to return next year!


Time to Fail Fast

With the beginning of the year, I’m making it a mission to actually bite the bullet and print the long overdue shirt I had designed for Bitches Work.

For months the idea of actually buying, producing and selling the shirts have overwhelmed me to the point of paralysis.

Was the design good enough?  Would people actually buy it?  What kind of shirt was I suppose to print it on?  Where was I supposed to get it printed at?  Did I need to have a custom tag?

Well, it’s time to call my own fear and own ego out.   Time to do the damn thing, see what happens, learn, grown and keep moving forward.


The following article is by Doug Hall - the author of the Jump Start Your Business Brain book series. He’s also founder and CEO of the Eureka! Ranch. 

The development of a successful new product, service, or business is often the result of lots of learning from lots of failures. The key is to fail fast and fail cheap.

The classic mindset is to try to get a business plan or product 95% right before taking action. This is great in theory, but it rarely works. Why? Because as soon as you ship the product you immediately recognize its fatal flaws. By then, it’s often too late to change the packaging, the marketing, or the product itself.

The alternative is to get your idea about 50% right, then let customers tell you what your mistakes are. Listen, learn, get it 50% right, and put your idea through the process again. Keep at it until your customers say, “Wow!” Instead of debating options internally, you’ll be making your idea real, taking it to customers, and learning as it fails.

You can make an idea real by producing a “looks like” or “works like” prototype and showing it to customers. A “looks like” prototype can be as simple as a fact sheet or a sales letter e-mailed to friends or potential buyers. “Works like” prototypes are demonstrations. They don’t have to be pretty. They just need to show the overt benefit you are promising.

The power of a “works like” prototype can be immense. I observed this recently in the boardroom of an industrial products company. A young engineer demonstrated how his prototype could cut the noise level of the company’s equipment by 70%. The prototype was made from duct tape and other materials from a hardware store. But it was effective enough to win funding for its development. Thanks to that idea, the company is projecting 20% sales growth this year.

I am not encouraging you to fail. Rather, I am stating the fundamental truth that you can’t know the answers before you start. It’s foolish to assume you know things that it’s not possible to know.

We preach to our children the need to pick themselves up and try again and again when they fail. But we rarely live by our own preaching, continuing to view failure as a statement of our self-worth. And while we may complain about how long it takes to move ideas through our companies, we inspect and edit with gusto whenever a new idea passes through our finance, marketing, or legal departments.

Over the years we’ve failed fast and cheap on behalf of clients in restaurants, at medical trade shows, in convenience stores, in malls, and at conventions. And I don’t just promote the virtues of failing fast and cheap to clients; I do it myself. When I was thinking about entering the training business, I rented two booth spaces at a major industry trade show. Each was completely different, with different brand names, product offerings, and pricing. The “right” answer ended up to be a combination of ideas from each.

The only barrier to failing fast and failing cheap is your ego. - Doug Hall

The math of fail fast and fail cheap is simple. If it takes six months and $100,000 to take a product from idea to customer reaction, then at best you’ll get two cycles in a year. However, if you can do a complete cycle of learning in a week for $1,000, you can get 52 cycles in a year at about half the cost.

The only barrier to failing fast and failing cheap is your ego. You must be willing to fail, fail, and fail again if you are going to win in today’s competitive marketplace. Remember, even if you’re falling flat on your face, at least you’re still moving forward.

Start Now


“Start now,” that’s what I need to remind myself of today…

I’ve been going around and around about when and how to announce the re-branding Bitches Work, but nothing feels right.

I keep thinking…  How am I supposed to tell people?  Should I be doing more of a build up?  Has it been too long?  Will people still be following me…?  Around and around down that rabbit hole spiral we all know.

Too often we get stuck in a rut.  We procrastinate.  We doubt.

For me I’ve been looking for a right time.  A right way.

The longer I wait though, the more it has me thinking, is there a right way and a right time?  How do you even go about determining when something is right?

Too often it seems like we are waiting for “right,” but what we are really waiting for is a sign.

A sign that everything will be okay, that we are prepared, that we won’t fail, that people will still stand by us.

The thing is, this so called “sign” isn’t something I think we should stop our lives for, waiting anxiously as if it were like the mailman coming.

Sometimes we need to create our own sign.

We need to reassure ourselves that everything will be okay.

We need to reassure ourselves that we are prepared.

We need to reassure ourselves that we won’t fail, because the only failure is giving up.

We need to reassure ourselves that it’s okay to start.

And that’s what I’m doing today.  So with that, bah-dah-dah-dummmm, the new site is up and live!

Check it out at BitchesWork.com!


Don’t Let Your Goals Define You


master-of-your-own-fateFinish what you start!

Winners never give up!

Do or die!

Go hard or go home!


We don’t want to be a failure.  We don’t want to seem like a floozy… So we keep going…

We stay on course, with our heads locked on the goal ahead, and plow like a maniac trying to hit deadlines and exceptions.

What happens though, when you find yourself heading towards your destination and then suddenly you begin wondering why you even began the journey?

A few months ago I made a bold declaration.  I was going to interview 50 badass women in 50 days on Bitches Work.

Why?  Well…

  1. I wanted to reach out to women that inspired me
  2. I wanted to push myself to talk about Bitches Work with strangers
  3. I wanted to become better at conducting interviews
  4. I wanted to learn to edit video

(read the original post here)

BOOM.  50 interviews in 50 days seemed like a grand plan to push myself to make moves on my goals, right?

Right!  So with reasons fueling my fire I made that ballsy declaration, and started charging.

And charge ahead I did.

Within two weeks I had already interviewed 15 women.  15 amazing incredible women that I loved so much I was ecstatic to share them on this site.

But then something happened…

YES I was pushing myself to talk to strangers about Bitches Work, YES I was reaching out to women that inspired me, YES I was becoming better at conduct interviews, and YES I was learning how to edit videos… but something felt off.

With each new interview I posted on the YouTube channel followed by a Facebook update and e-mail blast, I began to feel a knot in my stomach beginning to form.

I began wondering, was I really giving each woman’s message proper time to be shared and listen too?  Was I posting too quickly and moving into “spam” territory?

I also began noticing how the intense schedule was affecting me physically and emotionally.  From rise and shine to beddy bye time I would spend every waking moment in front of my computer - reaching out to women, setting up interviews, interviewing, editing footage, posting the interview, and promoting.

Sure, I was making progress on my goals and heading towards my destination, but I couldn’t shake the thought, “did I really need to interview 50 women in 50 days?

If I were to do 25 interviews in 50 days, would I still make progress on all my goals?  How about if I were to do 10 interviews in 50 days?  How about just 1 interview every week?

Of course the answer was an overwhelming YES.

Even if I just did 1 interview every month I could still continue to make progress on my goals.

Yet, I couldn’t seem to shake a sort of guilt.  A guilt that seemed ludicrous yet binding.

I WANTED to stop my 50 in 50 goal.  I WANTED to space out each interview.  Why couldn’t bring myself to admit this to anyone other than myself…


I hate to admit it, but when I began digging deeper and deeper into this binding sort of guilt I started to realize it wasn’t guilt that was tying me down.

What it really was, was my own fear.

In my head I had made this quote-on-quote HUGE declaration.  I had made a public goal.  “What were people going to think of me,” I wondered?  “What would I think of myself,” I questioned?

As time continued to drag on, and as the knots in my stomach continued to ball up, I finally came to a point where I needed to slap some sense into myself.

What was really going?  

Was I really a failure if I decided not to do 50 in 50 days?  Was I really going to be a failure if I decided to post less frequently?


No matter what, as long as I continued interviewing women I would still making progress towards each of my goals regardless to how frequently I posted.

I realized I was my biggest critic.  I was fearful of failing myself.

Once I admitted this to myself I felt all of the knots in my stomach start to loosen.  Nobody was holding me to my goal as much as I was.

I was in control of the amount of pressure I wanted to put on myself.


Sometimes we impose these crazy deadlines on ourselves.

Loss 15 pounds by June.  Become an associate by 25.  Buy a house by 30.

Sure, personal deadlines are helpful.  Sure, they help motivate us and steer us towards our goal.  But in the end are our own man-made deadlines.

Nobody cared as much about me changing my goal or direction as much as I did.

Nobody was going to sit there and de-friend me on Facebook or unfollow me on Twitter.

Nobody was going to start sending me hate mail, bullying me on how I had become a failure.

Again I was my biggest critic.  I was in charge of the amount of pressure I put on myself.

With that, I have a new declaration to make.  Starting this week I’ll revoking my promise and posting when I can.

In doing this I hope that nasty little knot that’s been messing with my tummy will subside.  In doing this I hope that I will be able to give each woman proper time to be promoted.  And lastly in doing this I hope that I will be able to give a little life back to my goals.

This hasn’t been an easy post for me to write, but if there is anyone out there going through something similar I hope the lessons I’ve learned will help you as well :)


  1. Listen to your body.  It can be a whole lot smarter than that monkey mind of yours.
  2. Don’t get lost in the first course you plot.  Take the time to make sure you are on the right track, and re-calibrate if you aren’t
  3. Remember that you are your biggest critic.
  4. Lastly, you are the master of your own fate don’t let your goals define you  :)

Trusting Yourself and Taking Action

Trust Your Gut & Go

I launched Bitches Work with the intention of helping people get more ballsy. But I’ve got a secret to confess, and that is…

I’m still scared.

That’s right, you heard me, I’m still scared.

I’m scared of putting myself further out there.

I’m scared of people loosing interest.

I’m even scared of being judged by people thinking, “Who the heck is this girl.”

Why am I telling you this?

Because I believe fear is just a mental fence that exist in our minds.

If you’re here, and you’re reading this, chances are there’s something you really want to do.

Don’t let fear to be the only thing standing in between you and your dreams.

Maybe the fence is tall, maybe its pointy at the top.  Maybe it’ll take a running start to get over, maybe it will take someone who can give you a boost.  Whatever way it is, its just a fence.

If you have a dream and fear is the only thing holding you back, find a way to hop the fucking fence.

Start trusting yourself and just go – it’s your life, live it like you give a damn.

With that said, I’m excited to announce the next fence I’ll be hopping!  For awhile now I’ve been itching to interview bold ladies.  There are few reasons I think this would be incredibly exciting…

  1. I want to reach out to badass women that inspire me.  From challenges they face, to what success means to them and what keeps them motivated I want to soak up their lessons and help share it to others.
  2. I need to start pushing myself to talk about Bitches Work with strangers.  Yes I’m promoting ballsyness on this blog, but telling somebody my blogs name is “Bitches Work” isn’t always the easiest opener…
  3. I want to become better at conducting interviews.  I think many of us cringe when we hear ourselves talk or watch our quirky mannerism.  I want to record interviews so that I can be a better communicator.
  4. I want to learn to edit video.  I don’t know why but I’ve alway love editing videos.  It’s time I step up my game from Windows movie maker and get more pro with Final Cut Pro.

To help get me really hustling on this goal, I’m setting my goal of doing 50 in 50 days!  Yes, this may be a little ambitious, but let’s aim for the stars shall we!?

If you haven’t already, make sure to subscribe to the mailing list, or directly to the YouTube channel to join in on the action :)